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7 Takeaways from the Global Leadership Summit 2019.

Updated: Oct 24, 2019

For the past few years, the church I attend has offered and encouraged all of us to attend The Global Leadership Summit. At the time I had no idea what that was or meant. Over the years after looking through it, I thought about it and kinda put it on the back burner because it happened on a work day, but this is the year I finally was curious enough to go. I am kicking myself that I didn't go to the prior ones because you guys it is amazing to be inspired by so many different leaders in different areas of my life. I HIGHLY recommend everyone look into it, you won't regret it. The entire summit is about making yourself a better leader, and making an impact on this world, which I feel we all need a little reminder of who we are what we are capable of. So if you weren't able to make the 2019 Global Leadership Summit I am going to give you my 7 top takeaways from my experience this year, each with a tiny call to action so that you can get your ball rolling on being a better leader.

*I have included links for you to learn from more of the speakers at the summit. Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.


1. Everyone has influence and you have the power to learn something from everyone.

The first hesitation I even had coming to the summit was that I am not a leader. I am not a CEO, manager, head of a corporation, I don't own a non-profit, or lead children at a school. This information is most likely not designed with me in mind. I am here to tell you that we are all leaders and we all have influence over others whether we realize it or not. (It's better for you to realize this sooner than later!) So before you even read one more number on this summary, my call to action point for this is for you to make a list of all the ways you interact with other people. Add in what you do in your daily routine. These are everyday moments of influence and potential leadership moments. These aspects you write down are what I want you to keep in mind before reading the rest of this post.

For me, I am a mother and a wife. I work as a sonographer, and a photographer. I co-lead a bible study in our home once a week. I also use social media for personal and business purposes. These are all areas where connection with others can help myself to be a stronger leader or to build up others to do big things in our community.

2. Is it "Getmo"? (Good enough to move on?)

Craig Groschel is an amazing speaker, pastor and leader. The guy runs a church, has a podcast and oh did I mention is the reason we have the Bible App?! His talks were so moving in so many ways, but a little piece that hit close to home was his question on if you're getting hung up on perfection. He shared "Perfection is often the enemy of production and progress." Spending more time and using more resources often doesn't lead to a higher quality result. Find that sweet spot where you can honestly ask yourself, GETMO? Is this good enough to move on? Will putting in more money or more resources really give me a better outcome in the long run, and if you feel like it is not "GETMO" could you use your restrictions and restraints to rework or think creatively to get yourself a different result? My take away action for you is to find the hard spots in your most current goal, where are you getting stuck? Is this because you're waiting for perfection or is there an action you could take to make it "getmo"?

If you want to know more from Craig Groschel, you can check out his website Here, or his podcast Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast. He has also written multiple books. The one I bought and am excited to dig into is: Divine Direction.


Bozoma Saint John took the stage for an interview formatted talk. Dressed in her very pink jumpsuit she has such a presence. What I loved about her talk on creating culture in the workplace is her advice to show up as your TRUE self. Be yourself... so simple right? Be your most brilliant, no apologies, proud, and sure of who you are self. In her talk she said "You don't have to make excuses for who you are. It is other people's jobs to accept you as you are not your job to conform to what makes them comfortable." Insert mind blown emoji guy, because I know this, I don't always use this or feel this. I just adored the way she is so confident in herself and rocks her pink suit with pride and confidence that you will notice me and I will not change who I am for you.

4. Own Your Average & Dream Small.

You guys!... Liz Bohannon. Google her, get to know her, she is my new favorite girl boss, change the world make a difference leader. She is real, she is perfectly sarcastic and beautifully spoken. Aside from taking away her book to read, her key points were so simple and easy to put into practice. First, own your average! Being average means you can start and you can build and grow and change along the way. There's less pressure and higher chance that you will take a step. Her other point that might raise your one eyebrow is to dream small. Yep... small. Her explanation is that when we "dream big" we give ourselves every excuse not to act toward our dream because it seems so far away. A small dream means it's reachable, obtainable, and with all focus on it something you can accomplish. Liz's example is that she wants to change the lives of women and girls in Uganda and help co-create a world where they have opportunity for dignified jobs, and higher education. Her small dream... Make a friend in Uganda.

I think her's was one of the talks I enjoyed the most from the Summit. If you want to know more about her you can check out her company Sseko Design. Make sure to check out their About and mission page, it really is inspiring. Her book Beginner's Pluck sold out at every single site from GLS. It isn't officially out until October but I can tell you I am half way through it and loving it!

5. Turn negotiation into connection and then collaborations.

Chris Voss was one of the reasons I decided to attend the Global Leadership Summit this year. I had read his book (okay listened on Audible) Never Split the Difference earlier this year with the intention (no lie) of being a better negotiator with my three year old son. The book and his interview is full of such good and useful information for not just negotiation in the corporate, or FBI world, but with the everyday negotiations we find ourselves in. The big piece here is that EVERYONE wants to be heard, whether you agree with their perspective or not, the more you listen and the more the other person talks and trusts you the higher the percentage that you will win the negotiation. If you're likable you are 6 times more likely to get a negotiation. This can be as easy as smiling. :)

Chris Voss is the CEO and founder of The Black Swan group and is the author of the book Never Split the Difference.

6. Rejection = numbers game + matter of opinion + growth.

Jia Jang's presentation had me laughing so hard I was crying. His talk on rejection comes from his experience with rejection therapy, where he decided that because the fear of rejection had overpowered his dreams of being a big entrepreneur he went out on a mission to be rejected 100 times over 100 days. While absolutely entertaining, his rejections served a bigger purpose of showing him, and now us, that rejection is nothing to fear. First, it is a numbers game. If you are to keep asking and persisting eventually someone will say yes to what you're striving for. Rejection is a matter of opinion, and as Jang commented opinions are an overabundant, endless supply, currency. Lastly each and every rejection allows for you to grow. Instead of being afraid of it, if you can face it head on and take it as an opportunity to grow then you undoubtedly will. I purchased Jang's book at the summit and am excited to dig a little deeper here because this is a spot where I most definitely could grow. I am sometimes so overwhelmed at the thought of rejection in my business and sometimes social life as well that I freeze and do nothing with my goals.

If you want to know more about Jang you can check out rejection therapy, or his business WUJU learning, he also has a TED talk you listen to and his book Rejection Proof

7. Your fire is a God given gift.

I mean Bear Grylls. Do I even need to say more, what is not to love? As big fans of Man Vs. Wild, I was extremely excited for his portion of the summit. What can a man who literally jumps out of a plane into the jungle/mountains/desert/rainforest etc etc. be afraid of? He has to be able to lead himself and camera crews through extreme wilderness conditions right?! His portion of the Summit did not disappoint. The snippet that I loved is his talk about having a small little fire inside of you that keeps you from throwing in the towel and giving up. Your fire is a God given gift. It is your resilience, your most valuable weapon. It is knowing that the dawn always comes and you have the power to push a little further. We all have our own Everest to concur in our lives and you will never make it to the top if you don't have that fire. If you want to know more about Bear (and you should, he is an amazing man.) you can find his products, shows, charities, his public speakings and experiences all on his site here: Bear Grylls If you're interested in his spiritual devotional Soul Fuel I highly recommend it.


I cannot recommend enough how great the entire two days was. I took a lot away with me in my heart and my notebook and reading material! If you are wanting to invest in yourself and how you can use and maximize your own influence in this world I HIGHLY recommend signing up for the Global Leadership Summit 2020. You can already sign up now for next year here: Global Leadership 2020!

Go lead and change the world people! You owe it to the world and yourself.



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